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1,950.00 บาท
  • Soft Honey Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
  • Soft Sand Medium beige; sets and controls shine on light to medium skin; ideal if you wear Bobbi Brown foundation in Beige, Warm Beige, Natural or Natural Tan
  • Soft Porcelain Lightest beige for pale to fair skin.
  • Warm Natural Dark beige; sets and controls shine on medium skin; ideal if you wear Bobbi Brown foundation in Natural, Natural Tan, Warm Natural or Honey
  • Pale Yellow Very light yellow; sets and controls shine on fair to medium skin; ideal if you wear Bobbi Brown foundation in Sand, Warm Sand, Beige or Warm Beige
ภาพลูกค้า / ภาพจากลูกค้า
Sheer Finish Loose Powder
1,950.00 บาท
Soft Honey